분류 전체보기(1439)
Phil Collins - Against All Odds
How can I just let you walk away Just let you leave without a trace When I'm standing taking every breath With you, You're the only one who really knew me at all 어떻게 내가 당신을 떠나보낼 수 있겠어요 어떻게 당신을 흔적도 없이 지울 수 있겠어요 여기 서있는내가 당신의 숨결을 하나하나 느끼고 있는데 당신은 날 이해해주는 유일한 ..
2009.10.15 -
Bryan Adams - Heaven 브라이언 아담스
Oh thinkin' about all our younger years There was only you and me We were young and wild and free Now nothing can take you away from me We've been down that road before But that's over now You keep me comin' back for more 오, 우리가 젊었던 시절들을 생각해 봅니다 그때는 당신과 나뿐이었고 우리는 혈기왕성한 젊은이였죠 지금 아무도 당신을 내게서 ..
2009.10.15 -
Jason Donovan - Any Dream Will Do
I closed my eyes, drew back the curtain To see for certain, what I thought I knew. Far, far away, someone was weeping, But the world was sleeping. Any dream will do. 커튼을 치고 눈을 감네 내가 생각했던걸 확실히 보기 위해서 멀리 저멀리서 누군가 울고 있네 하지만 세상은 잠들고 모든 꿈은 이루어질꺼야 . I wore my coat, with golden lining, Brigh..
2009.10.14 -
Jose Feliciano - Once There Was A Love
Once there was a love Deeper than any ocean Once there was a love filled with such devotion It was yours and 한 때 내게도 사랑이 있었지요 어느 바다 보다도 깊은 사랑이 있었어요 헌신으로 가득 채워진 그런 사랑이... To hold and cherish and to keep for a lifetime Then you went away on the lonely day Once there was a love 내 평생 모든것을 바쳐 소중..
2009.10.14 -
Brenda lee - Kiss away 브랜다 리 , 키스 어웨이
Kiss Away, kiss away, Guess that's all that's left to say Please come back and kiss these tears away Smile again, let me smile again. Make my life worthwhile again Please come back and kiss my tears away Only you can change these sad and blue days. Only you can make them, I love you days Kiss away, kiss away. Still there's nothing left to say Please come back and kiss these tears away Only you ..
2009.10.13 -
LeBlanc & Carr - Falling
I think about winter when I was with her and the snow was falling down Warmed by the fire I love being by her When there's no one else around 난 겨울에 그녀와 같이 있던 때를 생각합니다 눈이 내렸고 따스한 불 옆, 그녀와 함께 있어서 좋았어요 주위엔 아무도 없었고. and I'm falling, woah, I'm falling I'm falling in love with you 그리고 난 사랑에..