분류 전체보기(1439)
James Taylor - You've Got a Friend
When you're down and troubled And you need some loving care 네가 우울하고 어려움을 겪어, 사랑스런 보살핌이 필요하고 And nothing,nothing is going right Close your eyes and think of me 아무것도 제대로 되지 안을땐눈을 감고 나를 생각해봐 And soon I will be there To brighten up even your darkness night 그럼 곧 내가 가서 너의 칠흙같은 밤을 ..
2009.08.30 -
Guns N' Roses - November Rain 추억의팝송 올드팝송
When I look into your eyes. I can see a love restrained. 그대의 눈을 들여다 보면, 억눌린 사랑을 느껴요. But darlin when I hold you, don't you know I feel the same. 하지만, 그대여 내가 그댈 안고 있노라면, 나 역시 같은 감정을 느끼고 있다는 것을 모르시나요. Cause nothin lasts forever, 그 무엇도 영원히 지속될 수는..
2009.08.30 -
Goodbye - Air Supply 에어 서플라이
I can see the pain living in your eyes 난 당신눈에 고인 아픔, 알수 있어요 and I know how hard you try 당신이 얼만큼 노력했는지도 알아요 You deserve to have so much more 당신은 더 많은 사랑을 받을자격이 있어요 I can feel your hurt and I sympathize 당신의 아픔도 느낄 수 있고, 동감해요 And I'll never criticize all you e..
2009.08.30 -
George Michael - Kissing A Fool 조지 마이클
You are far, When I could have been your star, You listened to people, Who scared you to death, and from my heary, Strange that you were strong enough, To even make a start, But you'll never find Peace of mind, Till you listen to your heary, People, You can never change the way they feel, Better let them do just what they will, For they will, If you let them, Steal your heart from you, People, ..
2009.08.30 -
Four Non Blondes - What's Up 추억의팝송 올드팝송
25 years and my life is still trying 25년간 살아 왔지만 내 삶은 여전히 To get up that great big hill 희망이라는 거대한 언덕같은 Of hope for a destination 목적지를 오르려고 노력하고 있어 And I realized quickly when I knew 그리고 때가 되어 난 깨닫게 되었어 I should that the world was 세상은 남자들의 형제애라는 걸..
2009.08.30 -
Stratovarius - Forever 스트레이토바리어스
I stand alone in the darkness The winter of my life came so fast Memories go back to my childhood To days I still recall 난 어둠 속에 혼자 서있어요 내 삶의 겨울은 너무 빨리 다가왔어요 아직도 기억하는 어린 시절로 기억을 되돌려 봐요 Oh how happy I was then There was no sorrow there was no pain Walking through the green fields Sunshine in my eyes 그..